
I won a patriotic bear

Wow I just won a patriotic wooden bear.  My arm was slightly twisted into donating money towards some American Red Cross Heart Walk, and a few minutes later was notified that I had won a prize.  At first I had no idea that I was entered to win anything, but quickly ran down the steps to claim my prize.  I can’t remember winning anything recently, so I was pretty excited.

There were several weak prizes to choose from.  Mostly girly stuff, like picture frames and candle stuff.  But there was an obnoxious patriotic wooden light up bear that I knew had to be mine.  It’s awesome.  I feel so patriotic basking in the glow of it’s light right now.

Adventure Sports

South Vineland Park Monsoon

The good Shepherd and I embarked on a voyage to play the disc golf course in South Vineland Park.  We had a hard time locating the park, apparently the park doesn’t have a mailing address, so attempts to map it to the car’s GPS proved impossible.  So we had it map what we felt was the street where the course would be found.  This of course took us a great distance out of the way (also known as very lost).  

Luckily we did enjoy another fine lunch as Sugar Hill Subs.  So despite being lost, tempers never did flare.  While driving there the heavens opened up and let loose a downpour of biblical proportions.  With little to no visibility it seemed that not only would we not find this legendary course; even if we did locate it we’d be rained out.  Luckily we were able to weather out the storm (with headlights off almost the entire time dummy), and eventually find the park.

The 18 hole course was amazing.  And the heavens cleared during the the 2nd basket, giving us a most glorious day to appreciate this newfound course.  This proved to be a most challenging course, with the distance to the baskets being much greater than what we’re accustomed.  Another notable challenge is the narrow lanes that one is faced with.  There’s times where you must navigate a 300+yd forest opening that’s no more than 5 feet wide.  An extremely daunting, but rewarding task.

The changes in elevation brought a new dimension to the great game of disc golf to us rookies.  It’s something that must be seen to be truly appreciated, on a drier day I will have to take some photos to share.  The Shepherd took a nasty spill down on of these treacherous slopes that I speak of.  While and extremely funny sight to behold, there was no shame in the slip.  For I almost had several spills myself.

An extremely impressive disc golf course, one that must truly be given a try.


Guessed My Change

PennyMy Commerce piggy bank was full and that meant that it was time to pay Penny a visit. Penny is the girl who lives inside the coin counting machine at Commerce bank and when I visit here from time to time she challenges me to guess within $1.99 how much change I have brought to her. It sounds easy to guess within $1.99, but trust me it’s a most difficult challenge.

I’ve come very close on multiple changes, but I just sensed that something would be different this time. After pressing go, the challenge began. After weighing the bank in my right hand one last time, my guess was $58.63. Now Penny’s counting would begin.

To my delight she congratulated me on my guess as the total was $57.17, which in fact is within the $1.99 range that was necessary to claim victory. I took my receipt and headed to the teller, eager in anticipation of what glorious prize awaited me.

With an ear to ear grin I presented the receipt to the teller. He immediately congratulated me on my excellent guess work. Then presented me with a Commerce coin bank. Actually an identical Commerce coin bank as the one that I had walked in there with. I was a bit stunned, another coin bank? Not even a t-shirt? I felt a bit ripped off, and took several lollipops and a pen just to feel as though I walked away with something for my hard work.


Year of the Rat

Year of the RatYesterday was Chinese New Year, the year of the rat. To celebrate the new year I thought it’d be nice to dine on some Chinese food for lunch. Esteemed co-workers and lunch club members for life Sean and Jen were up for the adventure. We decided to embark to a new Chinese restaurant that just opened this week to celebrate.

My zodiac is the snake, Sean is the dog and Jen is the rat. So it’s her year. On this glorious day not only did we eat some fine food, but we found out a bit about the Chinese zodiac.

The food was pretty good, I’d go back there for lunch again. Sean was very impressed that they offered mango chicken. Amazingly the bill for all three of us was only $13.96! Truly amazing indeed! Happy Chinese New Year to you and especially to all the rats out there.


Chuck E. Cheese’s

Dined at Chuck E. Cheese yesterday. Went on my lunch break with brave co-workers: Jen, Sean, Geoff and Brittney. We had our lunch club meeting there. It was pretty cool actually. Jen brought coupons so we got a good deal on pizza and an ample supply of tokens for gaming joy.

At first it was a bit awkward, apparently they don’t get many adults with no accompanying children to spend their lunches there. But once we figured out the system of ordering pizzas and getting some find beverages it wasn’t too bad. First I challenged Geoff to a race in Mario Kart. Sadly after a few laps I broke the steering wheel, a steering wheel 507 error to be specific. Turned the wheel way too hard and from then on remembered that most of the games are designed for children and I should take it a bit lightly on them.

Skee ball was fun. Very difficult for me to break. Though I’m not very good at it, but once I figured out to roll them a lot softer my score began to go up. The bear hunting game was great. You shot bears with a shotgun light gun. Not sure why poor bears were the target in this game, but it was really fun. Sean had the high score and was a natural bear hunter. Though we were both guilty of shooting innocent cubs on a number of occasions.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. I was afraid that we’d really seem out of place and want to leave early, but we used up all the tokens. Pizza was terrible so in the future you might want to BYOP, but playing arcade games on a lunch break turned out to be quite the adventure.

Adventure Sports

Denny’s Season 8 Banquet

Being a proud member of the Denny’s Fantasy Football League Hall of Fame I was invited to attend their season ending banquet at Denny’s last night. Attendance was high, with almost the entire league in attendance. The Muldoon Mashers made a huge announcement in officially changing their team name to Moons over My Hammy. The trophy was handed to three-time champion Poon franchise. Three titles in eight seasons makes them now officially a dynasty in many circles.

After the banquet a foosball tournament was scheduled. It never really did materalize, with some having to leave and just random acts that stopped the tournament from ever taking off. Though some of us were able to squeeze in several fine foosball games, albeit very rust foosball games. On a bright note a new game was found on that night, bean bag horse. Fairly basic game of horse, using a childs bean bad toss board.