
Honey Badgers 1/24/12

Last night’s game was against the career undefeated and defending champion Ghostbusters. They’re a very strong team obviously and I knew we’d need to really bring out A game tonight and have a couple of breaks fall our way too if we hoped to win.

Sadly things didn’t fall our way last night, and we were defeated. However, we did show some really positive play last night.

Several of our girls are playing much better than this point last year. Lauren and Stephanie and playing with a lot more confidence and aggressiveness. Coupling that with the rest of our girls they give us a good shot to win most matches. Unfortunately the Ghostbusters girls are just plain solid top to bottom. No weaknesses there. But with out improving squad, I think we might just have a shot when we meet again.

Our guys are vastly improved as well too. Jonathan, Brian, Shawn and John are giving us a much needed jolt of youth and athleticism to our guys squad. They’re exactly what we were hoping to add during the offseason. Seeing improvement each and every week, it’s been a blast to watch them play.

We are vastly improved with our additions, and as a team improving each and every week as we adjust to one another.

Steph had another excellent night. She pretty much single handedly took a match. It was amazing to watch. I’d of never of guessed that she’d of been able to do that when we first started last season. It’s really amazing to see just how much she’s improved.

Lauren had our biggest catch of the night. Last girl left and what seemed to be a game ender, she somehow managed to catch a rebound off of her. The team instantly cheered as she somehow made that catch. Even though we didn’t go on to win that match, it was a very exciting moment for us all.

As far as myself, I need to play better. Just haven’t played well at all yet. Though I did throw out a few guys last night (though one should’ve really been caught), my stupid shoulder isn’t giving me any pop or break on my throws. Hopefully if I continue to nurse it, I’ll be back to my old form. But I’m also getting worried I just might be old at this point and there’s no getting back to my hard throwing days. Hopefully that’s not the case just yet.

All in all a fine display despite coming up short against a really dominant team.


Amazing Flag Football Team Defense

Today we had another instant classic flag football game. The core teams remained the same, with some slight changes on both sides. I’ve really enjoyed playing with these guys every other week, and this week was no different.

It was very cold this morning in EHT. Warming up, I noticed that my cleats wouldn’t penetrate the frozen ground at times, shifting my ankles left or right on dig. I seriously considered playing in sneakers instead since the frozen ground felt more like street than dirt at times, but figured I’d warm up as we played on it. So stuck with the cleats today.

What really stood out to me this game, was our team defense. Early on we gave up some scores, but once we settled into our assignments we really clamped down tighter than any other recent game I can recall.

Chris continued to play great against Wes, Mike and Kraft both did amazing jobs working on Josh and their third option. I got the easiest task of handling the short slants and quarterback.

We make switches and picked up other teammates, it was great. A true team effort.

Despite being down 5-3 at the half, we stormed back in the second half winning it 10-8.

As good as we played today, the other team had some amazing plays as well. I can’t begin to even guess how many huge 4th down catches Josh came up with. Joe made a pretty amazing TD catch on a tipped ball, and Wes continues to log more miles than anyone else in the league (gotta find his battery one day).

Hall’s passes we solid most of the day too. I gotta admit he shows a great deal of poise in the pocket even when I was rushing him. He got some big throws even when we brought the blitz.

Every game’s been great, and I’m very lucky to play with a great bunch of guys. I will remember today for that second half defense. Good stuff.


Honey Badgers 1/17/12

Last night the Honey Badgers got a much needed win over the Lightning Donkeys. The great overall team effort was what the team really needed after numerous close defeats. A mixture of old vetereans and new faces blended together for a strong night.

Last night was we got our new shirts and also had a team photo taken (haven’t seen it yet). The shirts are nearly identical to last season’s, being a slightly different shade of red.

We also welcomed aboard two new members of the Honey Badgers, Brian and Jonathan. Wow, what an addition these two seem to be. Excellent players and also great teammates. They found ways to contribute to the team all night, even when they weren’t playing. Can’t ask for more than that!

We found ourselves in an early hole losing the first two matches. I honestly wasn’t sure how things would turn out for us at that point. However the troops kept plugging away and settling in and before we knew it the teams were exchanging match for match.

Our girls played great and really kept us in the game. With the exception of one girl on the Donkeys who literally caught everything and anything thrown near her, our girls were pretty dominant. It’s great to watch how well they’ve come together as a team. A major turning point in the night for us was when Steph was our last girl remaining, and made back to back catches to win us a very important match. Great job!

As the night moved on our guys really began to settle in, it was great to watch. While some of our usual stars had off nights by their standards, new guys stepped it up and really carried us. Jared had a very solid night, with some key catches and good low throws all night. I really like the aggressiveness I saw in his play.

New guys Brian and Jonathan were amazing! Their infusion of athleticism and strong throws was exactly what we needed for the Honey Badgers. Actually one of my best memories of the game was when it as down to Brian, Jared and myself in one of the later games. The teamwork that we had with one another was great. We all seemed to know what each other intended to do, throwing at the same time/targets and making sure everyone had a ball in hand to throw. That was a solid match and playing together really got us through that match.

Shawn and John really showed a better understanding of the rules this week and greatly contributed to the team as well.

Overall I was very impressed with the Honey Badgers last night. I feel like we’re a greatly improved team with our new additions this season and our continued team play.


Honey Badgers 1/10/12

Season 2 of SJSL dodgeball started last night with a majority of returning Honey Badgers from last season joined with some new faces too. Despite losing in overtime, I was extremely pleased with our play in the first game of the season. I saw a lot of poise, grit, and determination by the Honey Badgers last night.

Our opponent was the expansion team Vicious and Delicious. Former Honey Badger standout Jen was amongst their members, so we knew that their girls would be a solid squad. However, our Honey Badger girls matched and at times exceeded them match for match. It was fantastic to observe.

Meghan played great, her throws were solid all game long. A very impressive display. Lauren was amazing too. She was hustling all game long, making some amazing and clutch catches and also getting off throws in a rapid fashion. Caitlin too was her usual a aggressive self. Getting many throws off and always being one of the first to run up to the line. Steph and Katie made some amazing catches too. It’s like they both went to a catching camp over the break.

Our guys played very solid as well too. With our new additions of John and Shawn, we seem to of gotten younger and quicker as a team. We had some early outs due to our new guys adjusting to rules, stepping over the lines, etc. but once they figure all that little stuff out I really like our new squad.

Dustin was very solid all night for us. John and Shawn are bringing a lot of offense to the table as well. I sat out all but one match to hopefully rest up my sore shoulder. Unfortunately my old man should has been in pretty bad shape the past few weeks.

All in all a very promising start to the season. I really like out updated roster and the effort that was on display last night.


Dodgeball Playoffs

Last night was both a very exciting and sad time. It was the dodgeball playoffs, and also the last night of the season.

Our opponent was the Lightning Donkeys and the first round game was an eleven match game. We started with our guy squad first and someone grasped onto a win thanks to Kevin. The man always finds a way to stay alive.

Matches were exchanged early on, until we ran into a bit of a hole. I gotta put a lot of blame on myself for this one. I just played horribly, not sure why I didn’t feel too bad physically going in. I had a couple of drops of what should’ve been automatic catches.

Kevin and Dustin gave us hope early on, but ultimately it wasn’t enough.

We wound up losing 6-3, which really bummed us. We can and have played better than that.

I did make and present awards to the team afterwards. I tried to sum up each teammate with an adjective that I thought best described their contributions and play this season. Everyone seemed to enjoy that, which felt good. They are a really good bunch of teammates and I really enjoyed playing with each and everyone of them.

Afterwards most of us headed over the the Windjammer in Somers Point. The SJSL was offering free beer, and that really got a lot of the league to show up. Handing out afterwards was a lot of fun too. We’ve got some characters in this league and I had a good time telling ridiculous stories and hearing some as well.


Amazing Flag Football Game

Played in arguably the finest flag football I’ve ever played in this morning. We all met up at the usual field in EHT at 8:30 am. All the games we’ve been playing have been a great time, but this one really took it to the next level.

It was four on four. Chris, two Mikes and myself against Wes, Josh, Mr. Yuk-Yuk and Geoff.

We played up to ten, and the game took tow and a half hours. It was just a highly contested game, with each and every play battled over. There were for broken plays the entire game, just a steady back and forth answer for answer.

We used some early corner blitzes from Chris that were very effective. We never blitz him, and it really caught the other guys by surprise for a while. Both our Mike’s were amazing, making some incredible catches and throws all day long.

I’m old and my nagging groin injury isn’t helping matters much, but I did my best to create space for my teammates running routes, and throw a few blocks to help us march down the field a few times.

On the final drives of the game the other team seemed to be driving plays specifically against me. I sensed this would happen, hobbled I was clearly the weakest member of our team this day. I may be old and beat up, but I have played in many backyard games and made several plays on passes on the last two drives.

I knew how hard my teammates had played all day, and how much they carried me early on. It was great that I was able to come through for them on those last few drives, guaranteeing us a hard fought win.

Easily on the the greatest, evenly matched games I’ve ever been a part of. So glad that I have some good friends who wake up early to play flag football. A great bunch of guys led to a great game.