
Scrabble Fun

scrabbleRecently I’ve found myself playing a great deal of Scrabble. Whether it’s head-to-head against the Shepherd (a very good player) or on my phone. Coming up with great words and getting high scores has really consumed me as of late

With our numerous battle the Shepherd and I have really noticed a marked improvement in both of our games. We both easily score over 250 a game now, and I hit 350 over the weekend!

Also of rather large note, we have scored Bingos (the use of all your tiles in a round) in 3 of our past 4 games! My 2 were with the words hipster and dentures. I was very proud of both feats.

We are now both looking into entering Scrabble tournaments to judge our skills against other advanced players. Apparently there are some big tournaments in Philly and Princeton that we are looking to check it.

Awesome game, and hoping to improve even more.



I had to exchange a birthday gift this week and decided to use my newly found store credit on the Creationary Lego board game. I’ve always been a big fan of Legos, in fact my dream job as a child growing up was to be a Lego designer.

Apparently Lego has a full line of board games now, but Creationary was the one that really caught my eye. It’s like Pictionary but instead of drawing the things to guess, you build them with Lego bricks. A simple, yet brilliant concept.

You also know something is good when you can get people who’d never participate in a board game to play it too. Some of the cards are pretty challenging actually, but there’s 3 levels of difficulty that you can choose which helps even things out amongst different skilled players/teams.

I’m very pleased with this fine purchase and have to highly recommend this as a fine game to play with a group of people. Plus you get to build with Legos which is always a good thing.