
Wissahickon 10K Trail Classic

Ran in the Wissahickon 10K Trail Classic yesterday. I really haven’t be running that much lately nor that far, so I had no idea how it would go. Did the now usual routine of driving over to NGM’s then going to a race from there.

The were a lot of people running, I believe a little over 600 or so. The trail was perhaps one of the most scenic runs I’ve been on. Hills, rocks, little creeks or maybe rivers, lots of good stuff. It’d be a great spot to take photos. I even noticed a massive native american statue hidden in the woods at one point (though I think I’m the only one who noticed him).

The race seemed very long to me unprepared self, but was able to finish it out running almost the entire time. Some of the really steep hills and especially the declines on the loose rocks had me walking at times. Also there was some congestion early on where nobody could run, but that didn’t last for the majority of the race.

The food afterwards was amazing. I’d run it again just to enjoy that post race feast again. The sponsors were great, offering some delicious healthy stuff. I ate chicken salad sandwiches, cookies, oranges, bananas, drank water, and ate more cookies. They even had a vegan pizza that supposedly was very good.

All in all this was perhaps the most well organized race I’ve run in. I’d highly recommend it and hope to do it next year.



Ugly Mudder 7.25 Mile Trail Run

I took part in the Ugly Mudder 7.25 mile trail run yesterday. It was all the way in the very hilly Reading, PA. I drove to NGM’s house and he drove the rest of the way.

It was a very sloppy course. A very slick track, with too many steep hills and loose rocks all over the place. I did slip and fall flat on my butt at one point, but bounced right back up and kept running.

Despite being over 7 miles, the running wasn’t too bad for me. Much of it had to be walked due to bottlenecks on the trails and very slick conditions, so I really didn’t feel like a guy who had ran 7.25 miles at the end.

We ran with friends of NGM’s and they were very fast. They probably finished a half and hour ahead of me. The terrain in Reading is pretty tough, a lot rougher than what I’m used to down here.

Afterwards we stopped at the Haute Chocolate Cafe again, and got some amazing post race chocolate. Then stopped at the Philadelphia Premium Outlets on the drive back. Their Toys R Us was kinda weak.

Today I don’t feel too sore overall. But I did do something pretty bad to my left elbow. It’s really swollen and isn’t a big fan of movement at the moment. Seems like a decent sprain, though I have no idea how I may’ve sprained it during the race.

Adventure Sports

Media Mud Stain

Media Mud Stain 5 Mile FinishI participated in the Media Mud Stain 5 mile run yesterday. It was a pretty cool run. NGM picked this one out, and I drove up with him. It was at the Ridley Creek State Park in Pennsylvania.

The park and run were very scenic. I felt like I was in the Revolutionary War. There were some very old but awesome houses around there.

The race was a little over 5 miles. There were a couple of tough hills mixed in there, one very tough one around the midpoint actually. Towards the end of the race there was an 8 year old looking girl and her father closing in on me. They made sure that I kept on running towards the end, I really didn’t want to finish behind and 8 year old.

Afterwards we stopped and got a bite to eat at the Court Diner in Media, PA. Even though I had just eaten a ton of the excellently catered food from after the race, I still ate a full breakfast at the diner too. Food was very good there.

Another excellent run with NGM.


St. Pat’s 31st Annual Run

Woke up nice and early on a day off to participate in my first ever run this morning. It was the St. Pat’s 31st Annual Run, in Atlantic City.  Mr. Yuk-Yuk and I both entered and began training towards our first 5k race a few weeks ago. 

We got there nice and early, expecting to see not too many runners due to the very cold conditions. I thought it was packed, but it’s my first run so I have no idea how many people usually show up for these things. We located the registration tent and paid our $25 entry fee. In exchange I got a cool t-shirt and one of those number things to wear to identify me.  I eagerly safety pinned the number 1379 to my sweatshirt. Have to admit is was kinda cool putting the number on.

Then we kinda just had to kill 45 minutes or so of time before the official start of the race. Majority of the wait was made up of filling up on water and peeing non-stop (I dehydrate when I get nervous for some reason) to pass the time. People watching also made for quite an exciting time. 

Then as time approached we all gathered around the starting line. Again, there were a ton of people. Made it nice and toasty. Then after a live singing of the national anthem, we were off. Mr. Yuk-Yuk made a smart move to pass many people by going off the street. I wouldn’t catch up to him until half a mile in. I managed to separate from him after a mile, and by the second mile had a sizable lead on him. 

The last mile wasn’t so kind to me. The early morning and lack of hydration was taking it’s toll at this point. Also, lot’s of credit had to go to Mr. Yuk-Yuk for the late push he gave at the end of the race which led to him beating me by several seconds. Well done Mr. Yuk-Yuk, well done.

We both managed to finish under 29 minutes, which we were both very proud of. Just two weeks ago our times were around 36 minutes. So the practice had paid off. We’re anxiously awaiting the official postings online.