
The Conan Chronicles

The Conan ChroniclesDidn’t really have anything specific in mind as I visited the library last. Nothing in the new releases section caught my eye, so I just figured I’d wander into the fiction section.

I recalled NGM telling me that there was a really great fantasy series by Robert Jordan. So I figured I’d see if they had the first book in the series. I’m not sure if they did or not (pretty sure not), but did see The Conan Chronicles by Robert Jordan.

My brothers and I loved the Conan movies when we were little kids, and the comics were pretty cool too. So why not give some Conan a shot?

This book was a compilation of 3 separate stories. I read the first 2 and they were not too bad. It wasn’t great, and the formula seemed a bit predictable at times (Conan against an evil magician), but overall they were entertaining.

As usually I found my most enjoyable character a sidekick, the one eyed Hordo. Typically he’s “too old” for all this stuff, but goes along for the good fight.

A bit predictable at times, but still nice to get back to some old school violence of good against evil that I grew up with.


Honey Badgers 1/10/12

Season 2 of SJSL dodgeball started last night with a majority of returning Honey Badgers from last season joined with some new faces too. Despite losing in overtime, I was extremely pleased with our play in the first game of the season. I saw a lot of poise, grit, and determination by the Honey Badgers last night.

Our opponent was the expansion team Vicious and Delicious. Former Honey Badger standout Jen was amongst their members, so we knew that their girls would be a solid squad. However, our Honey Badger girls matched and at times exceeded them match for match. It was fantastic to observe.

Meghan played great, her throws were solid all game long. A very impressive display. Lauren was amazing too. She was hustling all game long, making some amazing and clutch catches and also getting off throws in a rapid fashion. Caitlin too was her usual a aggressive self. Getting many throws off and always being one of the first to run up to the line. Steph and Katie made some amazing catches too. It’s like they both went to a catching camp over the break.

Our guys played very solid as well too. With our new additions of John and Shawn, we seem to of gotten younger and quicker as a team. We had some early outs due to our new guys adjusting to rules, stepping over the lines, etc. but once they figure all that little stuff out I really like our new squad.

Dustin was very solid all night for us. John and Shawn are bringing a lot of offense to the table as well. I sat out all but one match to hopefully rest up my sore shoulder. Unfortunately my old man should has been in pretty bad shape the past few weeks.

All in all a very promising start to the season. I really like out updated roster and the effort that was on display last night.

Video Games

Super Mario 3D Land

Super Mario 3D LandI did pick up a Nintendo 3DS a few months back when they dropped the price. But I really hadn’t played any of the 3DS titles on it just yet. There really wasn’t anything that great that had been released in my opinion.

However, when Super Mario 3D Land was released I was sure to pick up a copy right away. I mean, it’s Super Mario in 3D after all. Something I’d of given many rupees years ago to of experienced.

The game was great, and really showcases just how amazing 3D gaming on the 3DS can be. Nothing felt forced or gimmicky, it just works. The production values are top notch, like you would expect from a top tier Nintendo title.

At first the whole 3D can be a bit daunting, but just a few minutes in you’re easily immersed  and can judge jumps like a pro.

The first bBowser fight was really impressive to me. The fire that he throws at you really jumps off the screen and adds an element of hurry to your actions. I felt like a little kid, it was great.

The only drawback is that the game isn’t very challenging to a Mario veteran. However, it’s not so simple as to bore.

An amazing game and a reason in itself to buy a 3DS. Very impressed and looking forward to more A-grade titles.