

11/22/63Just finished up a pretty good one. I’m not sure if 11/22/63 by Stephen King was featured at my library because of the anniversary of JFK’s assassination or if it was part of another type of display, but I gave it a shot and am glad I did.

While it was a rather lengthy book, once I got going I plowed through it rather quickly. It was tough to put down at times, very good stuff.

The whole idea of time travel and it’s potential consequences is always very interesting to me, and the author has an interesting take on it. The whole harmony aspect and how the past does so much to stop itself from being altered was very interesting.

The book also does a really good job of making you think how you would act if given the opportunity to go back and change the past. I do enjoy anytime something can cause me to stop and think like that, whether it’s a great film or a book.

This was a very good read and I’d highly recommend it.


Cordova statusbar for iOS Plugin

Since iOS 7 was released a month or so ago I’ve been completely stumped with fixing my Cordova iOS app that relied on jQueryMobile. I couldn’t find a clean solution to fix the now changed handling of the statusbar in iOS 7. I had come up with some CSS hacks to work around, but was having a hard time getting my fixed headers to cooperate with jQueryMobile.

I finally noticed that a statusbar plugin had been released for Cordova (PhoneGap). I immediately went to the command line and added it to my project!

I did have a little bit of a time figuring out how to make my statusbar behave like an iOS 6 app. It turned out to be much simpler than I was expecting and of course I was over thinking it.

I just had to edit the config.xml file. In my case I set the preference tag “StatusBarOverlaysWebView” true and a custom color for the statusbar in the preference tag “StatusBarBackgroundColor” as well. Then the plugin worked it’s magic!




I was really stumped with what to read next. While I know it’s not even close to possible, I’m getting to the point where sometimes I think I’ve read everything in the library. So after wandering around with no direction around the fiction area, I stopped in the V section. I’ve never read anything by Kurt Vonnegut and figured that I should give the chap a shot.

So I picked up Slaughterhouse-Five as I did recognize the title, but really had no idea what it was about. I do have to admit that after reading the first few chapters, I was quite confused. Not what I was expecting even though I really had no expectations.

Once I got a few chapters in the life of Billy Pilgrim was beginning to make sense. The book did a solid job of pointing out the terrible thing that is war, something that I’ve always felt was much too glorified by society. Killing people is always a bad thing to do.

The whole aliens and 4th dimension was very strange, but also interesting. There were also several humorous moments mixed in with the doom and gloom as well. A pretty different and interesting read.

Video Games

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

wind wakerI played and thoroughly enjoyed the Wind Waker when it came out for the Gamecube years ago. I recalled it being like playing a cartoon at the time. It was pretty great. So when I saw it was being re-release for the Wii U I was certain to pick up a copy.

The re-release was even finer than I recalled my previous experience when I played it before. It was really awesome and one of the finest games I’ve ever played. As a grown man, I really shouldn’t get that into a video game, but I was thoroughly hooked. I’d constantly find ways to squeeze in a few minutes here and there, searching for just one more treasure, etc. Addictive at times, but much fun.

The cel-shaded graphics really held up well over time and in HD they were amazing. Everything was so bright and the artistic style was truly impressive. I know some fools thought it was too kiddish with the art style, but I’m still impressed by it. It’s incredibly well done.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game a great deal and at times was almost consumed by it. It was that good. A fine reason to own a Wii U.


Halloween Fun 2013

Unicorn maskI haven’t really been much of a Halloween person for quite some time. However, through the magic of the SJSL and younger friends, I did partake in a few more fun-tastic activities this year.

After shaking off my years of Halloween rust, I realized I had no idea what to be for Halloween. As simple as a task this should be, I was having much difficulty with it. Just couldn’t come up with a good idea. So I would visit the various stores on my lunch breaks.

On one particular break I randomly walked by a fairly large and somewhat creepy unicorn mask. I can’t quite explain why, but I just knew that it was right for me. I’ve long been a big fan of unicorns and all the magic and goodness that they bring to this world, plus it was also pretty creepy at the same time.

After purchasing the mask, I realized that I couldn’t see anything out of it at all. There were 2 small holes in the nostrils, but they were so tiny and far away due to the wonderful snout that it made for extremely limited vision. My only solution was to bring out the scissors and create new areas of vision.

First I expanded the nostrils a bit. While this did help a little, vision was still very much limited. I then decided to get bold and create a new hole were the unicorns mouth was. This did help out a lot, and didn’t deface the unicorn’s beauty that much at all. It seemed natural and allowed me some hope at not destroying everything in my blinded path.

The first Halloween party I would attend would be a jawn at dodgeball rookie sensation Dave’s home. He’s a good guy and really went all out in his party. It was pretty impressive, he even had a cauldron that let out an fine mist due to some dry ice. Very impressive.

What made this party so memorable to me was the age difference between me and the rest of the fine guests. During a match of dodgeball, age difference is harder to realize as we’re all just running and throwing for a few minutes once a week. But in a fine Halloween party (jawn) setting it becomes more noticeable.

I pretty much just stood behind my glorious unicorn mask and observed the ways of the young. It was pretty entertaining and thankfully the young Ricky and elder Kevin were on hand to converse with me. I didn’t stay too long, in fact I just abruptly left as Ricky would later call me out on. But it was a fun time while I hung in there. I was truly a grandpa unicorn.

The next night was another Halloween party at the Swift’s residence. This one would too turn out to be quite a fun time. Again I was a majestic unicorn. This night would however truly belong to the Honey Badgers. Nearly the entire dodgeball team was present at one time or another. It was pretty amazing to behold.

Soe stand out costumes to me were Jared who would transform into Bob Ross as the night great, Caitlin was a most amazingly well done Ms. Pac-man (and Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde), Dustin of course was Harry Pot-head, and Ricky was Quail man just to name a few. Though they were all pretty great and unique.

It turned out to be a pretty great time, and it was really nice to see most everyone on the team. They really are a pretty cool bunch.

So it turned out that I had a pretty eventful Halloween weekend.


Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln Vampire HunterDecided that I would try to read something from the Halloween section that was setup in the library. The first thing that caught my eye was Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I recalled it being fairly popular a few years back and they did make a movie of it, so why not.

It was pretty cool. An interesting mix of actual history with a very healthy dose of fiction. Actually a lot of fiction, but that’s what made it fun to read. I have read up a bit on Lincoln’s actually life not too long ago, so the changes or “real” explanations that the book presents were timely.

Plus who doesn’t like the epic battle of vampires vs. humans? It just doesn’t seem to get old.

The book also went by very fast, so I will chalk that up to it being pretty good.