
Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Hacksaw Jim DugganWhile on lunch break a week or 2 ago Scumbag and I noticed a new toy and collectibles store had opened near our precious lunch destinations. Mike’s or something along those lines. Not only was I in action figure heaven upon walking up to the new storefront, but we both noticed a subtle flyer on their door.

The Hacksaw Jim Duggan would be there for 2 hours on a Saturday night signing autographs! Then and there Scumbag and I made a pact that we would most definitely be in attendance when the legend arrived. A once in a lifetime opportunity like this couldn’t go wasted.

True to our words we did make the journey on that fateful Saturday evening. Scumbag also brought along two loyal fans to accompany us as well. Arriving there, there was a decent line for such a new and small store. We all waited patiently for the legend to emerge. Was he already here? Behind the wall? Only time would tell.

Then suddenly from behind the back wall, he appeared and gave a thunderous trademarked “Hoooooo!” The crowd erupted, returning the call. Yet Hacksaw wasn’t satisfied. He thought he was in a library and demanded the crowd give him a “Hoooooo!” that would satisfy him. We all dug in deep and pleased the legend. He then went to the back and began the sign and greet process.

Scumbag brought his WWE Championship Belt that I had gotten him for his birthday a couple of years back. Hacksaw was signing 2×4’s for his many fans as well.

What a nice guy he was. He took the time to speak to each and every fan individually, and really seemed to genuinely care. Watching him interact with the little kids was really great, the fans still really get fired up by him.

I’m really glad we went out to meet Hacksaw, it was a great mission.


Earthquake at Work

Just experienced my first earthquake that I actually felt today. Being in Southern New Jersey, this is not a common occurrence for us.

I was just sitting at my desk, when the building shook for a few seconds. Then it began to shake again. I had no idea at the time what had just occurred, but I did know that it would be wise to get out of the building ASAP.

Rich came out of his office with the red serious look on his face asking me if I felt that. Yes I did, and he then promptly said get out, get out of the building. I then began to leave with him, and we told everyone along the way to get out of the building as well. I pulled the first fire alarm I saw to alert the remainder of the building on my way out.

I then held the door for my remaining co-workers, but honestly I really wanted them to get out faster. I don’t trust this old building.

Outside we all walked around confused for a bit and I got ready to send out a text alert if necessary. Stacey got a call from her husband who felt the same shaking at his place of employment and that’s when the possibly of an earthquake started to settle in my mind.

Everyone was on their smartphone either asking around of checking for news. We then all got a consistant message that an 6.0 earthquake occurred in Virginia.

What a very strange feeling.



Today I was a Tour Guide at Work

tour guideOn my way to lunch break, a mother and 2 students asked me if I knew where D building was. Of course I did, I worked there for 5 years or so. So I told them to follow me and I’ll get them there.

We walked across J lobby and I figured I’d give a tour style guide just to amuse them. Pointing our such great landmarks as the massive monkey stuffed animal in front of the day care center (he’s so awesome), the bookstore, student life center, etc.

Once we got outside They were on their way to D building. Thanking me extensively.

As I was heading back in (still hungry after all), I faintly heard an excuse me sir. I believe it was intended for a co-worker of mine who continued to walk past (not cool if you heard them), so I approached them. They needed to find the Admissions area, that’s where they had parked their car and were now lost.

Again I gave another guide in the direction I’d just come from. The woman with a pace maker needed help carrying books, so I offered and was carrying a big heavy bag as we searched for their car. They were so appreciative for the help, it really did feel good to help them out.

However, they weren’t exactly sure where their car was. So that was a bit of an adventure too. I then gave them directions on how to leave and get back on the Black Horse Pike eastbound.

Today I was a tour guide and it was a pleasant break from web development.


Kevin’s Bachelor Party

I just got back from the car wash, I had to clean off some shaving cream and vomit from exterior of my car. The Shepherd almost made it home before throwing up, so very close. Good job Shepherd, you almost made it.

While the vomit was much thicker and abundant along my passenger door when I awoke that I had been expected to find, it did come off easily with the high pressure of the car wash. The shaving cream along the side was just from some completely coincidental child pranks. Stupid rich kids apparently have nothing better to do in Linwood.

The bachelor party itself was great time, nothing too crazy like in the movies. I think everyone is a bit too old for such shenanigans at this point, well almost all of us I suppose. Just a good time hanging out with some old friends who which is something that doesn’t happen as often as I’m sure we’d all like.

To start things off we met up pretty early at Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park in PA for some pre Phillies game tailgating. I must tip my hat to the planners, as this was a great location and the weather was nearly perfect for the occasion. There were many ducks, pigeons and even a stray cat wandering about the park as well. And poorly overthrown footballs nearly attacking us at times.

The food was amazing. Hats of and a full standing ovation to Conner and Ryan for their grillmanship. I couldn’t help but completely overeat. Sausage from brooklyn, beef tenderloin with some special sauce who’s contents couldn’t be shared, scallops, shrimp and clams, philly pretzels in varieties I never heard of and enough beverages to satisfy all those on hand. My belly is truly larger today as I type this.

We then walked to the game. Kevin’s extremely generous uncle treated us all to a luxury box, with food! As if I hadn’t eaten enough already on this day, free food awaited me in the luxury box over the first based side. Italian pork sandwiches, chicken tenders, hot dogs, cheesesteaks, italian chips, water ice, cookies, candy, more unlimited beverages, this was truly a glutenous day that future tales would forever speak of!

The game itself wasn’t too bad either. The box was a really great spot to watch a game, even though the A’s did beat the Phils. I was indifferent but we did have some bummed guys in the box due to the outcome. Leaving the game which was done in a brisk 2 hours and 33 minutes, we then realized that our ride home wouldn’t be here in another 2 1/2 hours or so.

Skip, the blazingly fast limo driver was apparently held up and we weren’t expecting the game to end so soon. We hung out in the parking lot for a bit before venturing over to the nearby Holiday Inn where some of the guys had gotten a room to stay. Due to a crazy man freaking out in the lobby, the guys room was upgraded to a suite so we went up there and just waited for Skip’s arrival.

Skip arrived, we said our goodbyes and the ride home was mostly silent as everyone around me was asleep for a good deal of the ride. A great time with some good guys.


Wizard’s Wedding

I attended the Wizard’s wedding on Sunday. It was all the way up in Douglastown NY at the Douglastown Manor. Since the Wizard was pretty much our honorary 4th brother growing up our entire family got the invite to attend. My older brother who was also the best man, my mom and myself were able to attend.

The car ride there wasn’t too bad. We were able to navigate with the assistance of GPS without a wrong turn. Traffic wasn’t too terrible either, especially considering that this was Memorial Day weekend.

Once we arrived it was great to get out of the car and walk around. I did get a quick bite to eat at a Subway across from where we had arrived. I did assist the store keeper with removing an older advertisement cling on from their window. Stuff like that is fun to me.

We then headed over to the church. Besides the lack of air conditioning the church wasn’t too bad. The ceremony went by rather quickly. Outside I got a chance to say hello to a few of the other guys who were invited and were in my older brother’s grade growing up. All older now, but still just as goofy as I remembered them all.

We then went over to the reception. Driving to that wasn’t too bad either. It just just 3 or 4 miles from the church. It was very nice inside the Douglaston Manor and the hors d’Å“uvre were excellent. In fact I found that as long as you were eating that random people would spend less time talking to you. Needless to say, I really did overeat at this time. But at least it was yummy stuff.

The rest of the night went smoothly. The band played a greatest hits of the 80’s set. So there was anything from The Police, to Judas Priest going on. I thought that they really sounded great and did a good job. People were dancing the entire time. I never realized that the Wizard’s family was such dancers, but I guess they were always into music so it does make sense. Especially keyboards.

Oh and for my embarrassing moment of the day. I had to use the restroom and on my way to locate them followed a guy who was walking a few feet in front of me into the restroom. Well upon my exit, I literally bumped into two girls who were entering the restroom. All three of us froze in confusion as to why each of us were in the wrong spot. Well apparently I had entered the women’s restroom by accident thinking it was the men’s (thanks a lot guy for going in the wrong one). I’m pretty sure some guys followed in after seeing me enter similar to what had happened to me. Oh well, I pretty much felt dumb at that point and just vanished. At least the people whom I encountered all seemed to be with a different party and I didn’t have to continually see them the rest of the night.

The drive home went by much more quickly than the ride there. It was very late and even though we took a wrong turn that took us through Manhattan, it didn’t set us back too much. All in all it was a fun though exhausting day.


How to Clean a Mighty Mouse

Somebody at work asked me if I knew how to clean a Mighty Mouse, and by chance this is something that I’ve been doing every few months for my Mighty Mouse scrollball. I’ve found that by folding a piece of paper several times then wedging it into the scrollball seems to do a good job. I’m always amazed out how much stuff can build up inside of a mouse (honestly I’m not a very dirty person).