
Bizarre TV Repair

The Shephard’s TV has been acting up. Luckily for him it’s still under manufacturer warranty and through many phone calls found out that there’s a place in Vineland that can repair his TV for him. We play a lot of Rock Band 2 on this TV, so it’s very important that it’s repaired.

Matt the young one joined us on this quest to fix this TV. Finding the place wasn’t a problem, thanks to the brilliance on GPS enabled devices. We all had a certain expectation of just what this place would be like, and when we got there all I can say is WOW. The place and the guys actually crushed what we were expecting to find on this day.

They were located in a little shack next to their home. Outside was a graveyard of TV’s and various parts. Oh yeah, and lots of cat food. Inside was very similar to outside, but more dirty. Oh yeah, and again a lot more cat food was to be found. There was also a beautiful pink Barbie Power Wheels Corvette in there too. We were all too afraid to ask why, and at that point pretty much hoping that we would make it out of this place alive.

It was pretty much straight out of a horror film. It was awesome. The gentleman continued to eat his sandwich while speaking to us, and had an ancient glass with some bizarre fluids now caked to it on his desk. Very gross indeed. The aroma of this most unclean little shack was quite powerful too. Making me almost gag at times, but I couldn’t leave one of those guys alone in there with them. Never split up, I’ve seen situations like this in many films and when they split up bad things happen.

Now it’ll be very interesting to see just what happens to the TV. Hopefully it won’t come back smelling of cat food or even perhaps containing any human body parts inside.


Adventure Aquarium

Jelly Fish

Took a random trip over to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden. Pretty sure the last time I was there was four or five years or so, and was interested to see what upgrades had been made.

Wow, it was cold outside that day. If fact, it was so cold outside that the penguins had gone indoors for their safety. Purchasing tickets outside was quit a testing experience. My face was numb, and I wasn’t sure if my right ear was still there. But once I got inside it was nice and toasty and both my ears were still where they belong.

Once inside I was really impressed. The tank where you walk in was huge! With some very cool guys swimming along in there. The massive turtle was my favorite. It wasn’t too busy either, so it made it really easy to check all the different things out.

The shark tank was really cool too. They had a shark tunnel where they swim around and over you. This was really cool. Though the star of the day was the hippo who decided to play with a tire right in from of us. Hippos have some massive teeth.


Baltimore Aquarium

Pacific FishTook a really random road trip with the Shepherd today to the Baltimore Aquarium. We got there with no problems thanks to the GPS gods. You have to buy a ticket to get in at a certain time, so we got the 3:15 admittance and to see the dolphin show at 5:00.

Since it wasn’t anywhere near 3:15, we had plenty of time to check out the Inner Harbor. Last time I was there was probably 1991, so a lot has changed. Everything seemed pretty new and clean around the harbor. Every restaurant imaginable was there as well as an ESPN Zone and the most massive Barnes and Noble I’ve ever seen. Their bathrooms were really weak, smelled really bad.

It turned out to be quite a warm day today, so walking around outdoors in the end of December wasn’t nearly as bad as it could’ve been. There are also many historic ships to check out there too, but didn’t take any of the tours this time.

The aquarium was very cool. A little too packed at times, keep getting elbowed by people but the animals were really cool. Sharks were really cool, so was this one gigantic turtle I saw. Taking photos was tough, with the lighting and the thick glass of the tanks, but I did manage a couple of ok shots.

The dolphin show was pretty cool too. Not quite as nice as the one I saw at San Diego Sea World, but still fun to watch. After the dolphin show, the place really cleared out and we were able to go back and check out the exhibits that were a bit too busy early in the day. So that really worked out.


Christmas 08

Celebrated Christmas with my family today. Think my trusty Canon Powershot S400 may’ve just died today, so no photos this year. I’ll have to play around with it and see if there’s anyway to salvage it, but it’s not looking too good.

We all exchanged gifts in the afternoon. Everyone seemed to enjoy what I had gotten them, so that was really cool. Here’s the stuff I got today:

So I guess now I’ll be able to surf the net anywhere, playing xbox while dining on the finest beef log money can buy with some ripped pecs. Quite a fine holiday indeed.

My brothers and some guests for some bizarre reason wanted to visit the Clara – Glenn Pet Cemetary a few streets from where we grew up. So I went along, there’s some really old tombstones there.  Spotted one as far back as 1912.

Have spent a lot of time playing Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour today. Every time my brothers do bad, of course it’s the instruments fault not theirs. Thus far a pretty poor overall musical display.

Adventure Sports

Went Fishing

Went fishing the other day for the second time.  The only other time I went was probably 8 years or so ago, and it didn’t go too well.  I also think I may’ve had an orange Snoopy fishing pole growing up, but can’t confirm if I ever went fishing with it or not.  Can’t remember that far back if it was an actual fishing pole or just a toy, but it was orange and had Snoopy on it.

I did purchase a fishing rod for this momentous occasion at K-mart.  I have no idea if it’s any good or not, but I do have a slight feeling that it will catch me many a fish and perhaps sharks or something cool like that too.  It came with all the stuff to get started, so that was really cool.  

The Shepherd, Dustin, Joe and myself got some clams for bait and headed over to probably around 17th Street in Longport and began to fish off the Jetty.  It wasn’t too difficult, you just throw the hook with bait into the water and wait.  And wait.  Nobody did catch anything that day, so I blame the fish.

Someone started up a movie based game to pass the time.  While facing elimination, I was certain that Will Smith was in the film Philadelphia.  Everyone else playing said he wasn’t in the movie, So I asked some joggers to settle this argument.  They didn’t think he was in the movie and I was then eliminated from the game, which for the record is a stupid game.


Bought a Car

Finally decided to get a new car on Saturday.  My trusty 2000 Honda Prelude has begun showing some age, and was due for some pricey fixes/maintenance.  So it made sense to move onto something new versus pouring a hefty sum into my existing car.

After doing a bunch of research, the Nissan Altima Coupe seemed like a decent fit.  It looked cool, seemed reliable, is good on gas, safe, and fairly fun to drive.  I actually decided to go with the 4 cylinder instead of the mean 6, due to the better mileage and not requiring premium fuel.  I’m not sure it that means I’m getting old or gas is getting too expense or perhaps a combination of both.

2009 Nissan Altima Coupe
2009 Nissan Altima Coupe

The trip to Admiral Nissan wasn’t bad at all.  The main reason I’d been putting off this purchase was that I just didn’t want to deal with the who car salesman experience.  Never been a fan of the salesman.  However Doug the salesman at Admiral who I dealt with turned out to be a pleasure to work with.  Not too pushy, didn’t talk to me like a retard, and pretty straight forward and to the point.  Amazingly we came to an agreement rather quickly and things went pretty smooth.