I really enjoyed this random library pick. The title This Books is Full of Spiders caught my eye, so I figured I’d give it a shot.
Turned out to be a very humorous take on the zombie adventure. The main characters are just a bunch of slackers whom are probably a bit too able for me to relate to. Best friend John was pretty hilarious, and at times I swore the author was writing about a mix of my older brother and a few friends of mine. Some very funny stuff. Oh and his Caddie ride was pretty awesome too.
All the characters were pretty funny, and again were easy to relate to. I’m guessing the author is probably around my age and or grew up down the street or something from me.
Not only was this a very funny read, but the story itself was pretty cool as well. I really liked how various story lines converged at times, and the slight timeline jumps really did a pretty great job of setting things up.
Good book and highly recommended.