
This Book is Full of Spiders

This Book is Full of SpidersI really enjoyed this random library pick. The title This Books is Full of Spiders caught my eye, so I figured I’d give it a shot.

Turned out to be a very humorous take on the zombie adventure. The main characters are just a bunch of slackers whom are probably a bit too able for me to relate to. Best friend John was pretty hilarious, and at times I swore the author was writing about a mix of my older brother and a few friends of mine. Some very funny stuff. Oh and his Caddie ride was pretty awesome too.

All the characters were pretty funny, and again were easy to relate to. I’m guessing the author is probably around my age and or grew up down the street or something from me.

Not only was this a very funny read, but the story itself was pretty cool as well. I really liked how various story lines converged at times, and the slight timeline jumps really did a pretty great job of setting things up.

Good book and highly recommended.


Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot

Killing KennedyHaving read Killing Lincoln a few months back and seeing Killing Kennedy in at the library I figured I’d give it a read. I’ve been a fan of history as of late, and while I do know much about Kennedy there’s always more to learn.

I do enjoy the format of this book. Like Lincoln it’s nonfiction, yet written in an almost story manner. I find this to be a bit less heavy than some other books on history, but still based on facts (or at least credible sources).

Even though I clearly know how this one ends, and even if I didn’t the title would tip any off who was from a different planet I was really bummed in the end. What a sad, sad ending. Older people always list his assassination as something they never forget, and reading through this it helps me understand even more.

The author also goes in a great deal about Kennedy’s life as well as the other notable people around him at the time, including his wife, brother Bobby and Lyndon Johnson. The info I read up on Johnson was pretty interesting. I wasn’t as versed on him as other recent presidents.

The info on Oswald was very interesting too. I really like how they parallel both men up until the shooting. It makes for a good read.



The Twelve

The TwelveAfter finishing up The Passage I was most eager to continue the story through the second book in the series. The super cool library made sure to point out that it was in when I had missed it or perhaps it was just returned while I was there too.

I have to admit that early on I was a bit confused even though I had just went from one book to the other. As if there weren’t enough characters by the end of the first book, this one introduced even more! It was almost Game of Thrones like with so many characters to manage at times.

Ultimately all the new characters did do a good job of building up to something meaningful for the most part. I did enjoy the stories of how some of the survivors escaped in near present day. Then you learned how they were connected and or ancestors of some or the main characters was cool.

While I didn’t enjoy this quite as much as the first book, it was still a very good book. It’s tough being the second book in a trilogy.

Very good, and now I guess I just have to wait a bit to see how this one ends.


The Passage

The PassageI was about to walk out with another random book when the really cool librarian just randomly suggested The Passage. She went on to describe it, but realistically any suggestion was a good one to me. Plus she’s a librarian, so she’s a pro and I’d trust any suggestion.

I was very glad to find out that the all powerful librarian was indeed correct, I really enjoyed this book.

While there’s been a lot of post apocalyptic, vampire or zombie material out recently, I thoroughly enjoyed this take on it.

The early government stuff that leads to the whole epidemic was pretty cool. Then the transition to about 100 years later and how much the world has changed as a result made for some fine reading.

Very good stuff and eager to read the sequel, The Twelve.


Red Rain

Red RainLooking through the new arrivals section, I noticed a book by R.L. Stein. I knew his name for the Goosebumps books and show from when I was a younger lad. So why not, let’s give the guy a shot and see how his grown up books might be like.

Turns out it wasn’t too bad. While I can’t say I was too surprised at any point, I did find myself reading through it pretty quickly and that’s always a positive sign.

Evil little kids are always a fine idea for scary stuff. There’s just something eerie about evil kids, especially twins.

I also did like that they had some ridiculous evil powers too. The murders were a bit on the gross side and I did find myself rooting for a few of the victims to get away, but sadly few did.

Rule the school.



Churchill: The Prophetic Statesman

Churchill: The Prophetic StatesmanI suppose I’m a bigger fan of history than I realize. I easily read through Churchill: The Prophetic Statesman in two days.

First off, I’ve always been a pretty big fan of Churchill. Especially his numerous famed quotes over the years. He’s always been a very interesting personality to me.

While the title of the book sounds like they’re going to make Churchill out to be some mystical psychic, it really is about numerous examples of his study of history and it’s patterns allowed him to make some interesting predictions of how history would play out.

It was a really great read, I kept plowing through chapter after chapter. He lived through such an interesting time to me, with so much major change going on in the world during his lifetime.

Though his essay he wrote as school kid about London being attacked and he would be the one to lead it’s defense was a bit eerily prophetic.

I really enjoyed this one a lot.