
Dodgeball Week 8

Our final regular season game of the season was against the Banzai Executioners. We’ve had a couple of bad weeks, taking some tough losses. I really wanted to see us finish the regular season strong even though we’ve been getting some breaks.

I couldn’t of been more proud of how we played as a team last night! The energy, effort and just overall dodgeball smarts were great to see. I felt like we finally played great as a team last night.

Everyone was moving around well and throwing great. I think the week off really helped us all recover and come in fresh. We all talked to one another, and just had a good time. It was great.

Despite our stellar play, we did lose the game 9-7. But just to finish that strong and bring that momentum into the playoffs next week will be great.

The only drawback on the night for me was that I hurt my right elbow pretty badly early in an early match. It’s swollen up pretty good, and really giving me some limited movement today. I’m in full recovery mode and will play in the playoffs next week even if I have to use duct tape.


Thanksgiving 2011 Football Game

Easily one of my favorite traditions is our yearly Thanksgiving flag football game. This year we had the same core return. I knew it wouldn’t be one of my finer games, been shut down for a while with a really nagging groin injury that I just can’t seem to shake.

The morning was a little on the cold side, probably the low 30’s, but it was quickly heating up outside to a very comfortable game temperature. Josh set up the cones for boundaries and the rest of us had our pre-game warm up rituals. Many had a catch, a few stretched, I did some light running to gauge how fast my groin would allow me to run today (as it turned out, not very fast at all).

The first game was all big plays, with some very quick scores. It was almost comical in how fast the teams were scoring. Apparently I had also scored the first safety of the season and perhaps ever in out Thanksgiving tradition.

Unfortunately our QB for the day Mark banged up his knee and had to eventually sit out. He played on it for a little bit, but it was clearly giving him some trouble and finally had to shut it down for the day.

Luckily we had extra player and former MVP Dave in the wings and shuffled up the teams a bit.

I liked the new teams, thought both teams were fairly equal. We had a QB change and Mr. Yuk-Yuk really had a very solid day slinging the ball to us. I don’t believe he had any turnovers, and had some solid throws throughout the game.

Chris really carried our offense. Which was really great, I wasn’t moving nearly as well as I’m used to. Probably a combination of injury and just plain getting old slowing me down. I did get a chance to use a few stiff arms after making the catch, and still enjoy making several people have to take me down, even in flag somehow.

Our defense was especially solid as well. Gregg, Chris, Joe and myself all played consistant enough to give our team the win. I was especially impressed with how well we all played well together, it was a very solid team effort. Everybody picked up one another’s slack when necessary, and it was a very refreshing experience.

I did roll my ankle pretty good during the second game, slipping on mud a bit. But luckily it didn’t keep me from finishing and didn’t swell up as much after the game as it initially felt like it would.

All in all, another great game and a tradition that I really hope we can continue doing for many more years to come.


Dodgeball Week 7

dead honey badgerWow, this was not a good night for the Honey Badgers. Our only bright spot was our girls playing against the Ghostbuster girls. It was really exciting to watch them both play, and the Honey Badger squad did have some great moments against them.

Our guys on the other hand, well we really just stunk it up last night. I personally had a very bad night playing. My shoulder was sore all day, and in warm ups I knew that I wouldn’t be getting much if anything on my throws that night. It’s a lousy feeling, and I felt bad that I wasn’t able to contribute as much as I’d liked to of.

Our second match of the night was against the winless Lightning Donkeys. Unfortunately they are no longer winless, which really stung. The match was very close, but they did edge us and it pretty much summed up our underachieving night.

Our two replacement guys Matt and Jordan did fill in admirably for Jared our with a neck injury and Mike who had other engagements to attend to.

The only really positive thing I got out of last night was that in both games I have the opponents tell me that I displayed sportsmanship. I guess that’s a nice compliment to receive, but I’d of preferred that they were upset that I had thrown too hard at them instead.

We’ll get the week off then hope to rebound and go into the playoffs with some momentum if at all possible.


Dodgeball Week 6

honey badgerLast nights game against the Terror Squad was so much fun. I’m really bummed that we lost in overtime, but was still very proud of how many of our teammates had stepped up last . Geoff and Jared really played a lot better last night.

Our girls played very well last night, winning the majority of their games. It was great to watch them truly dominate most of the night.

Our guys started a little slow, but as the night went on began to play better and win some matches. At one point we were up 7-5 but the Terror Squad went on a little tear and we found ourselves down 8-7 with a must win by our guys to force an overtime.

I sat out the last name, my groin injury was really starting to burn up a bit (weird, but that’s the best way to explain it) and my shoulder was beginning to show some signs of fatigue (yes I’m an old broken down man). Even with all the pressure they won the match and forced an overtime.

Overtime is 3 co-ed matches, with at least one girl per team. Our squad for the first game involved most of our hot players on the night. The first overtime game was pretty tough, there were some hard throws all around, and some catches for our side as well. As soon as I saw their last guy think about pickup up a ball a released a good hard throw and knew he was out before it left my hand.

Unfortunately the Terror Squad did go on to win the next 2 overtime matches and take the game. In the 3rd overtime match, when we were both down to 3 a team, a threw a pretty solid throw but the opponent just made a very solid and clutch catch. It was low and fast, and I’d of thrown it that way again and taken my chances, but he stepped up and held on. I felt bad at that point, not only was I out we down to 2 players, but they now had 4 strong and would go on to win.

A great competitive night. A little too much whining and yelling at the poor ref at times for my taste, but still a lot of fun overall.


Dodgeball Week 5

banzaiThis week we played the Banzai Executioners again. They won our last encounter and we were hoping to get a win this time around.

Before the game, the Commissioner asked me if I would mind having another girl on the Honey Badgers. Thankfully I said yes, as Jen turned out to possess the ability to throw like a boy.

Our girls played all their games against a 4 man roster, and they played very well. Legitimately taking a couple of games from the guys. One game in particular was pretty amazing to watch. They just simply beat up their guys for that one game in a fairly dominate fashion. So proud of them

Our guys on the other hand weren’t as sharp last night. Our first match was great. Everyone felt good and seemed to play very well, easily taking the first match. Then we fell into an now too typical drought, losing several matches in a row.

I can’t seem to pinpoint on why we’re not winning, I guess the other teams are just better at this point. Losing aside, I have been seeing a lot of improvement from many of our players.

I still think that we’re almost to the point where we can start to have the little breaks go our way in a game. With the addition of Jen to a vastly improved girls team, I also feel as though we should be able to beat any girl roster now too.


Dodgeball Week 4

honey badgerThough the Honey Badgers did walk away with another loss last night to the Terror Squad, there were definitely some highlights in last nights game. Many little plays just didn’t go our way at teams. If we can start to get those to go our way, we should be able to start winning some games.

By far the highlight of the night was Dustin single handedly taking out the Terror Squad in a systematic and almost cruel fashion. Never before have I seen a lone dodgeball player pick of 3 opponents with 3 consecutive throws in under 30 seconds. It was truly a beautiful thing to behold.

Our girls really played well overall too. The improvement that they’re showing week after week is great to see. Once we get a full healthy roster back, I do think our girls can and will beat the other teams girls. I’m really impressed by their teamwork.

I personally had a pretty poor night. Really hoping to get healthy soon so that I can get back to how I was playing a few weeks back. An opponent who should never be able to beat me running to the line was able to get the ball to begin way before I was. I really do have to go to the doctor and get my groin injury checked out.

Our guys played ok with some standout play at times, but we really ought to be able to handle their guys better. I really thought that we matched up well with their guys, but just didn’t execute or make the routine plays.

I thought that Geoff and Jared really showed some improvement tonight. I saw a lot more confidence in their throws and overall play. Just waiting for the entire team to click one week. We can play better and I really hope that we start to soon.