
Lost a Good Frisbee Today

Today was a sad day for me today as I had to bid adieu to a fine frisbee today. She was an orange Innova Leopard fairway driver to be exact. She’s served me well over the past year or so, I only wish I could say I was as kind in return with my with throws that lead her into a direct course with too many a trees than she deserved to strike.

As I picked her up on my way to the 5th basket, I noticed it was split almost completely in half. This shocked and saddened me a great deal. By no means was this a the most violent of throws I’ve had with it, but I guess it was an accumulation of the numerous tosses we’ve had together (my wild arm has been known to strike many a tree).

We gave her a proper send off out to sea (a lake actually) where she can now rest with all the other fine frisbees that dwell upon the floor of the lake.


Saved a Frisbee

Yesterday the Sherpherd and I purchased some new discs to play disc golf with. The Shepherd found the perfect disc to compliment his side arm release. After playing 2 rounds with him, the pricey disc and he were clearly meant to be.

So today on the first hole, I figured I’d stand by the lake while the other guys teed off just in the rare case a disc would approach the water. The Shepherds drive (which was dead accurate yesterday) made an incredibly sharp turn towards the lake at the last moment.

I was able to position my self with heels to the lake where it looked as though the trajectory of the disc was break and with arms fully extended over my head holding my discs to gain an extra half foot or so timed my jump just perfectly to deflect his disc from going into the lake and at the speed and height it was traveling to surely be lost forever.

Those disc move a hell of a lot faster when they’re coming at you than when they’re leaving. Oh, and they also hurt like hell when they strike your bare hand. But it was worth it as a fine disc was saved today, a very fine disc indeed.

Adventure Sports

SGA Dodgeball Tournament

Just competed in an incredible dodgeball tournament that was organized by the SGA (Student Government Association) at Atlantic Cape Community College. I assembled a team of staff to participate against several student teams. Sean, Geoff, Coach, Shel, Brit and myself were brave enough to go out there and play against the students.

All in all I was extremely impressed with my teammates. You guys all played great, I’m so proud of them all. We got a chance to play in several heated contests. We were eventually eliminated, but it was a fantastic run indeed.

Phyllis and JoAnne made up some amazing signs and we had our own cheering section rooting us on. Very impressed with those signs. Phyllis said I was throwing some rockets, so that made my day to get comments on my velocity. My accuracy and and catching ability, well that’s another story.

Good job team. Mike took a lot of photos and I will link to them as soon as he gets them off his camera.


St. Pat’s 31st Annual Run

Woke up nice and early on a day off to participate in my first ever run this morning. It was the St. Pat’s 31st Annual Run, in Atlantic City.  Mr. Yuk-Yuk and I both entered and began training towards our first 5k race a few weeks ago. 

We got there nice and early, expecting to see not too many runners due to the very cold conditions. I thought it was packed, but it’s my first run so I have no idea how many people usually show up for these things. We located the registration tent and paid our $25 entry fee. In exchange I got a cool t-shirt and one of those number things to wear to identify me.  I eagerly safety pinned the number 1379 to my sweatshirt. Have to admit is was kinda cool putting the number on.

Then we kinda just had to kill 45 minutes or so of time before the official start of the race. Majority of the wait was made up of filling up on water and peeing non-stop (I dehydrate when I get nervous for some reason) to pass the time. People watching also made for quite an exciting time. 

Then as time approached we all gathered around the starting line. Again, there were a ton of people. Made it nice and toasty. Then after a live singing of the national anthem, we were off. Mr. Yuk-Yuk made a smart move to pass many people by going off the street. I wouldn’t catch up to him until half a mile in. I managed to separate from him after a mile, and by the second mile had a sizable lead on him. 

The last mile wasn’t so kind to me. The early morning and lack of hydration was taking it’s toll at this point. Also, lot’s of credit had to go to Mr. Yuk-Yuk for the late push he gave at the end of the race which led to him beating me by several seconds. Well done Mr. Yuk-Yuk, well done.

We both managed to finish under 29 minutes, which we were both very proud of. Just two weeks ago our times were around 36 minutes. So the practice had paid off. We’re anxiously awaiting the official postings online.


Just Running

Never been much of a runner, especially for distance. However, I have recently began running with Mr. Yuk-Yuk a couple of times a week. Not sure running at night on the Atlantic City Boardwalk in frigid and windy January is the greatest time to start such a hobby, but so far it’s not too bad.

I think we ran probably 2 miles or so on our first attempt, and will continue to extend our travels based on boardwalk landmarks.

Adventure Sports

Went Fishing

Went fishing the other day for the second time.  The only other time I went was probably 8 years or so ago, and it didn’t go too well.  I also think I may’ve had an orange Snoopy fishing pole growing up, but can’t confirm if I ever went fishing with it or not.  Can’t remember that far back if it was an actual fishing pole or just a toy, but it was orange and had Snoopy on it.

I did purchase a fishing rod for this momentous occasion at K-mart.  I have no idea if it’s any good or not, but I do have a slight feeling that it will catch me many a fish and perhaps sharks or something cool like that too.  It came with all the stuff to get started, so that was really cool.  

The Shepherd, Dustin, Joe and myself got some clams for bait and headed over to probably around 17th Street in Longport and began to fish off the Jetty.  It wasn’t too difficult, you just throw the hook with bait into the water and wait.  And wait.  Nobody did catch anything that day, so I blame the fish.

Someone started up a movie based game to pass the time.  While facing elimination, I was certain that Will Smith was in the film Philadelphia.  Everyone else playing said he wasn’t in the movie, So I asked some joggers to settle this argument.  They didn’t think he was in the movie and I was then eliminated from the game, which for the record is a stupid game.