
Quest to NYC


I arrived in NYC for Open Hack Day today. I didn’t feel like driving into Manhattan and paying gazillion dollars to park a car that I wouldn’t be able to use, so public transportation was my mission. NGM and Geoff both highly recommended some cool trains to take into town. I know I’m a little bit crazy, but I felt like going old school and taking a bus in from AC. Like I’m on a class trip!

The ride wasn’t all that bad really. There was a really cool old guy sitting next to me. I was hoping he’d share war stories about fighting Nazi’s to save the world. Sadly he just slept the whole ride up. Oh and he did smell too. Wow, riding the bus was so awesome, not for everyone though but a very interesting experience nonetheless. I will have to try the train next time to compare the 2.

Once I arrived at Port Authority (or something like that) I um kinda got lost finding my room. But after walking around a whole lot, finally found it and I think it’s pretty nice and fancy inside. I don’t get out much so it could be a dump, but I’ll share photos once I get or find a usb cable for my camera.

There’s so many people walking around here. All the girls seem to wear super tight black pants and it seems like the guys spend too much on their hair, weird. Oh some high school girls called me a “hottie” and I might still be bright red from it.

I went to Reckefeller Center and checked out Nintendo World. It’s really awesome inside, I’d of freaked out to of been there when I was growing up. I was so bummed that they didn’t have the Tanooki Suit Mario t-shirt in my size or any size close to my size for that matter.

Toys R Us is right by where I’m staying, and it’s massive inside! 3 stories, with a ferris wheel and some amazing lego sculptures. I kinda wanted to be a lego sculpture as a child, so I do have a very fine appreciation for such craftsmanship.

I ate lunch at some deli and had some cheesecake too. Seemed very New Yorky a thing to do. I think I might eat at this cool looking BBQ place across the street for dinner. Then try to find a usb cable so I can share some of the photos I’ve been taking throughout the day.

Gotta register for Open Hack Day now and figure out what sessions I want to attend and see if I can form a team to work with to enter the hack competition with.


Phillies Game

Went to the Phillies vs Astros game last night with some co-workers. It was actually my first trip to Citizens Bank Park. I’ve heard many good things about it, and was glad that it lived up to the hype. Sooooo much nicer than the Vet that it replaced.

We carpooled up there which was cool. I got the night off from driving since my back seat is quite cramped and Geneva Convention laws  prohibit 2 individuals for such a journey. Also, being cramped in car you do learn a lot from these people I work with but only seem to interact with in a work environment. Oh yeah, and carpooling is good for the environment too.

Scumbag got us free parking, and free is always very good. When we got in and figured out where our seats were I got a chance to walk around a bit and check out the different stuff at the park. Sadly only kids are allowed to run the bases, that’s so unfair.

Scumbag had to say hi to a ballgirl, so I said “hi” too. Then then gave us a free hot dog and soda ticket and we got them to sign their baseball cards to give to Geoff. So that was cool, he seemed to really appreciate the gifts.

The Phils went on to win the game, I don’t recall the score but it was fairly exciting. A grand slam, some home runs, good stuff.


Saw a Guy Appear From the Brush at Lunch

Wow, I just witnessed the most amazing thing on lunch today! While dining at Moe’s (my favorite lunch spot) the person sitting across from me witnessed a man in a suit just walk out of the bushes. It’s like he just appeared from nowhere.

He was amazing. He continued to walk by us and around the shopping center. This extremely strange act on his part has lead to much giggling on my behalf. I can’t help but randomly giggle for the rest of the day now, it was that amazing of a site!

One theory has him leaving Volcanic Eruptions. Is that place even open during the day?

Another theory consists of him being spawned from the earth itself. Honestly I’m leaning towards this one. He just seemed to strange and out of place to accept a more logical theory.


Went Fishing on a Boat

IMG_0132I braved the seas the other day and went fishing from a boat. For the most part it was pretty cool. Never really been much of a fisherman nor a boater for that matter, so the experience was mostly new to me.

The kind Shepherd invited me on this epic quest. Along for the journey were Mr. Miller and the Shepherd’s brother in law Nick, who also was the boat owner and captain of this voyage. First we bought some bait which came in chinese food containers. They just pack minnows in those containers like it’s fried rice.

Then we headed over to the docks to board the vessel. She was a fine ship and I was welcomed aboard. Then we went out into the ocean to the point where you really couldn’t see the shore off of Longport. So I’d say that’s the furthest from land I’d been in a boat.

Then Mr. Miller taught me how to cast and I waited for something to bite. And waited, and waited some more. Technically I didn’t catch anything, but Mr. Miller did let me real a fish in that bit his line. It was a flounder, not big enough to keep but a fish nonetheless. Fish are very slimy and squirm a great deal, but I found it very enjoyable to pick them up and throw them back out to sea.

I did get seasick and was told that jumping in the ocean would make me feel better. So I went to end of the boat and fell in like Frodo falling into the black water. Since I was out of it at that point, I have to admit that for a few seconds I did kinda freak out and didn’t realize where the hell I was. But, I settled down and grabbed onto the boat and all was well.

We did manage to catch 2 flounders that we were able to keep. So overall it was a fine expedition.


Board of Trustees Dinner

I had to go to a Board of Trustees meeting for dinner and to be honored for winning the employee of the quarter award the other night. While it was really great to be voted by my co-workers for the award, I wasn’t really looking forward to hanging out with the Board. They’re all extremely nice, but I’ve never been that big on accepting awards. I shy up.

Had to shake a few hands, but pretty much knew most of the people there. A student and a faculty member were being honored as well, so it was nice to sit next to some people with a similar agenda as my own.

Food was good, ate lots of chicken then loaded up on some dessert thing that I probably could of done without. But it was a yummy treat and one that I couldn’t pass up. Once again I’d like to thank all those who took the time to vote for me. It is nice to be recognized by the people I work with. Plus the reserved parking spot did come in handy during commencement when I came back from lunch break.

Adventure Sports

SGA Dodgeball Tournament

Just competed in an incredible dodgeball tournament that was organized by the SGA (Student Government Association) at Atlantic Cape Community College. I assembled a team of staff to participate against several student teams. Sean, Geoff, Coach, Shel, Brit and myself were brave enough to go out there and play against the students.

All in all I was extremely impressed with my teammates. You guys all played great, I’m so proud of them all. We got a chance to play in several heated contests. We were eventually eliminated, but it was a fantastic run indeed.

Phyllis and JoAnne made up some amazing signs and we had our own cheering section rooting us on. Very impressed with those signs. Phyllis said I was throwing some rockets, so that made my day to get comments on my velocity. My accuracy and and catching ability, well that’s another story.

Good job team. Mike took a lot of photos and I will link to them as soon as he gets them off his camera.