
A New Dawn: Star Wars

A New Dawn: Star WarsMy consecutive reading streak had finally broken. For several years I had been continually reading something, anything from my local library. With all the recent stuff going on in my life, I finally just didn’t have enough time to keep the streak alive.

So, a month or so had gone by where I wasn’t reading anything! Crazy, I know but I decided to get back to reading with the book that I hadn’t finished last, A New Dawn.

It’s a prequel book to the new show Star Wars Rebels. The few episodes of the show I’ve seen so far seemed pretty cool, so I figured I’d read up to get a better idea of some of the characters, story, etc.

Overall the book was ok. To me Star Wars books aren’t amazing works of literary greatness and do get a bit repetitive at times, but with all that aside it was pretty good. If focused mainly on Kanan and Hera who are two of the main characters on Rebels.

Their tale is a bit of a Star Wars cliche, but then again that’s what is expected from the series. The main villain,  Count Vidian was pretty cool. The author did a great job making him a creepy, efficient cyborg.

An ok overall story with an exciting finish. Glad I got back to reading!

Video Games

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Mario & Luigi: Superstar SagaAs a fan of the goody Mario & Luigi series, I did download a copy of the first installment when it was made available on the Wii U. I believe it originally was released on the Gameboy Advance in 2003, but it was still quite a fun and goofy game to play today.

I’ve always enjoyed the humor in the others in this series and this installment was no different. I am aware that I’m a grown man, but these games still crack me up and are a lot of fun to play.

It entertained me for a few weeks and really helped relax during some pretty intense weeks as well. Apparently buying a home can be stressful at times, but playing a silly Mario & Luigi game is the polar opposite of that experience. It was a fine escape at times.

Awesome, and very fun game.


Honey Badger Recognition

I might be a bit crazy, but over the past several years I have taken it very seriously to make sure that my SJSL team is always run in a professional and fun manner. I always make sure everyone is aware of rules, game times, league news, and most importantly are in a position where they can have a lot of fun playing.

This means that I make sure that there is a recap of each and every game, and even and awards ceremony at the completion of each season. We also organize and offer numerous activities throughout the year.

While this does take up a bit of time and resources at times, it’s really worth it when we all have so much fun. I know how much my teammates appreciate the great almost family-like atmosphere we have created and continue to experience through co-ed recreational sports.

What really stuck out to me and made me smile was that on two different occassions the Honey Badgers have been credited by other teams in a public manner over being a well run and fun team that they truly enjoy playing and aspire to be like.

I know it sounds a bit silly, but both instances were really appreciated and it was pretty cool to see that even those who aren’t a part of the team know what a great thing the Honey Badgers have going!

Thanks to all Honey Badgers & Express Pizza players past and present for making us such a great SJSL franchise! We’re only as good as the people we have, and we sure have had some amazing friends over our numerous seasons!



Opening Day of Fall 2014 Dodgeball

Few if anything things are as exciting to me as the first night of dodgeball. It’s like the first day of school. You see all your dodgeball friends, some I haven’t seen in weeks or even months. It’s pretty great.

This season the Honey Badgers have a lot of change, perhaps the most we’ve ever had. We are without legendary Badger Caitlin, Ginny & Eryn this season. On the guy’s side we say good by to Ricky and Sean.

With all of this loss we also did invite some new faces as well thanks entirely to Bethany who is rejoining the Badgers for dodgeball and bringing what seems like her entire family and extended family. All off seem like amazing additions to the team from what I’ve seen so far.

In a twist last night opened up with an Open Night of dodgeball and not the regular season. That was nice since we do have so many new players, it really give them a good shot at getting a feel for the game.

However a drawback of Open Night is that you tend to play more than in a regular game. I did my best not to overthrow, but did get some soreness as the night went on. Oh well, it doesn’t feel all that bad the next day, but it’s still something to be aware of.

All in all I have to say that this may very well be the best guys squad that we’ve ever had. The addition of Steve and Jacob really brought another solid arm and an abundance of energy to the team. Everyone on the roster also seems to be very intelligent players too. They naturally played off one another.

I’m really interested to see how this plays out.

Video Games

Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D WorldThough I had bought Super Mario 3D World for the Nintendo WiiU almost a year ago (think it was in November), I hadn’t gotten around to playing it until a little bit ago. But since I started, I’ve probably been playing it a bit too much or just need more to do. It’s much fun.

Once again the awesome folks at Nintendo (one of my all-time favorite companies) made yet another fun Mario game that while brings much newness to the franchise still retains the nostalgia of playing so many Mario games growing up. I’m not sure how they manage that balance, but they do. Hats off to you Nintendo.

Though I really haven’t played it much on multiplayer, it’s so awesome that the different characters play differently like waaaayyy back in Super Mario 2. Luigi jumps higher, Peach floats, Toad is fast, etc. So awesome to see that again.

The levels and challenge are pretty well balanced too. I find myself devoting way too much time and effort in collecting green stars and stamps, but I just can’t help it. It’s rewarding when you get a really tough one!

This is an awesome game, that’s much fun. Brings back some great childhood memories, yet is still new at the same time.


A Fish House Wedding

Long time friend Brian (probably my oldest friend, pre-preschool) got married this weekend. There was only a party to attend at Nick’s Fish House in Baltimore, and it was quite a laid back fun time.

Since it’s a fairly decent drive to Baltimore, I decided to ride up with the Shepherd and Scott. Scott was kind enough to drive. We got there in record time, but I must admit my co-passengers did get on my nerves a little bit with their poor habits (e-cigarettes are stupid). Oh well, it was a ride so I can’t complain too much.

We arrived a bit early, and stopped at some random Wal-Mart in the middle of nowhere. It was a bit strange with nothing at all around it, but we figured it was better than nothing. There was a screaming child, who just screamed at a constant amazingly high pitched rate while it’s mom did nothing. The constant sound was both incredible and I tip my hat to this child’s lungs for being able to sustain such a not for such a lengthy amount of time. Truly amazing and remarkable annoying.

After Wal-Mart, we were still very much early. So we drove around Baltimore a few blocks until we found a safe haven. There was a really fancy fenced in apartment area with shops. A pretty cool setup if you were living in the city.

We walked around a bit and noticed a park with some activity going on. Some event was taking place and there were a ton of dogs about. An amazing amount of different dogs. A huge shaved Saint Bernard, a therapy Blood Hound and many more. It was pretty awesome to see.

After that we headed over to Nick’s. It was a pretty cool place on the water. There was a chair for all attendees to sign. I thought that was a pretty nice touch. Apparently the Shepherds sloth knows no bounds, and I noticed that he added onto my signing instead of writing his own. Geez Shepherd!

There was a live reggae band, that while very talented was much too loud for my old man ears. I couldn’t escape it no matter where I wandered, and it eventually escalated a bad headache I had from the crazy card ride there to very bad. I eventually decided to attempt to sleep in a car for a bit, and Scott eventually found some Tylenol for me to take from his endless supply of drugs he carries in a strange bag.

After a pretty long time of laying down in a half sleep state in a comfy car (which I’m sure must’ve been quite the strange sight) I finally emerged to face civilization. My first stop was more water and a delicious cupcake. It was a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing, and I currently would like another one as it was yummy.

It was really great to see so many old friends and am reminded just how many of my childhood friends are still friends to this day. Pretty cool.

The car ride home wasn’t really as bad as the ride there. The Shepherd was too broken and sleepy to smoke his stupid e-cigarette non-stop, and there was much less traffic to Scott to attempt NASCAR moves thru.

Even with the stupid headache it was a pretty great day, and I wish Brian and Shanna much happiness. Great to see everyone and glad it was under such great circumstances!